The AISTAP started on June 1st, 2010 from the idea of a group of psychologists and researchers who had been dealing, for about a decade, with giftedness and talent and development of potential. Our activities include: evaluation, teacher training, parent support, support for double-exceptional (ADHD, learning disabilities, Asperger syndrome), activities dedicated to gifted students(summer camp, laboratories, extra-curricular programs, exchange of students and more). Our goal is to help gifted students to develop their potential considering both emotional and cognitive characteristics.
Az Európai Tehetségközpont - Budapest a Magyar Tehetségsegítő Szervezetek Szövetsége székhelyén működik.
Iroda: 1118 Budapest Budaörsi út 119/b
Postacím: 1518 Budapest 112. Pf.146
Telefon: +36-1-787-0597
Operation of the European Talent Centre - Budapest is realised with the support of Grant Scheme No. NTP-EUT-M-12 (between 15th December 2012 and 30th June 2013) and NTP-EU-M-13 (between 31th October 2013 and 30th June 2014) and announced by the Institute for Educational Research and Development and the Human Resources Support Manager on commission of the Ministry of Human Resources “To support international experience exchange serving the objectives of the National Talent Programme, and to promote the operation and strategic further development of the European Talent Centre - Budapest”.
Postal address: 1518 Budapest 112 PO Box 146
Phone: +36-1-787-0597
Office: Matehetsz, Budaörsi út 119/b 1118 Budapest, Hungary