The Directorate General for Education and Culture of the European Commission with the collaboration of the National Agencies of the Lifelong Learning Programme maintains the Comenius and Grundtvig Training Database, which contains information about in-service training courses, seminars and conferences offered in Europe for teachers, teacher trainers and non-teaching staff involved in school education (from pre-primary up to upper secondary) or adult education.
All training events are for a European audience and their overall objective is to help participants upgrade their professional skills in the field of education. The events are organised by various training providers who submit their training offers to the National Agencies of the Lifelong Learning Programme, set up in all the participating countries. Participation in the training events can be supported with Comenius In-Service Training for Teachers and other Educational Staff grants, with Grundtvig In-Service Training for Adult Education Staff grants (for training courses) and Grundtvig Visits & Exchanges for Adult Education Staff grants (for seminars and conferences), for which interested people should apply to their respective National Agencies.
Interest in talent support is evidently increasing, so several courses are offered in the topic of giftedness:
These programs enable people at all stages of their lives to take part in stimulating learning experiences, as well as helping to develop the education and training sector across Europe.