May Nellen is a Specialist in Gifted Education and she coaches gifted children in the age from 4 up to 20 years old. She also coaches and advices their parents en their teachers. Her approach is based on the fixed mindset/ growth mindset theory of Carol Dweck and the profiles of gifted and talented students (Betts and Neihart). To shift a mindset from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset she uses relaxation en meditation techniques that she learned during her schooling as a Yoga teacher. This combination is very successful. Explaining the profiles to everyone involved makes it easier for teachers and parents to understand the gifted student and for students to understand themselves. The profiles also explains the needs of the student.
The overexcitabilties as defined by Dabrowski also play an important role in her coaching. Understanding of the overexcitabilties by parents, teachers and the children themselves makes a better communication possible between them. She often notices that for the first time children feel that someone understands them. With this knowledge they don’t feel as if there is something wrong with them. They also learn how to anticipate when they are misunderstood. They now know that other people may see things a little differently and how they see it differently.
For parents it is deliberating to know that she is a mother of a gifted child too and that she knows what can go wrong. They don’t feel judged of ignorant. This makes her an easy partner to talk to or ask her questions about giftedness. The child benefits f this situation.
Das Europäisches Talentzentrum - Budapest funktioniert im Sitz des Verbandes der Ungarischen Organisationen der Talentförderung
Büro: H-1118 Budaörsi út 119/b
Adresse: H-1518 Budapest 112, POB.146.
Telefon: +36-1-787-0597
Operation of the European Talent Centre - Budapest is realised with the support of Grant Scheme No. NTP-EUT-M-12 (between 15th December 2012 and 30th June 2013) and NTP-EU-M-13 (between 31th October 2013 and 30th June 2014) and announced by the Institute for Educational Research and Development and the Human Resources Support Manager on commission of the Ministry of Human Resources “To support international experience exchange serving the objectives of the National Talent Programme, and to promote the operation and strategic further development of the European Talent Centre - Budapest”.
Postal address: 1518 Budapest 112 PO Box 146
Phone: +36-1-787-0597
Office: Matehetsz, Budaörsi út 119/b 1118 Budapest, Hungary