Institute TIBI - Department for Gifted Education at the Private University College of Teacher Education Vienna/Krems (KPH)
- Teacher training courses (30ECTS/ECHA, 120ECTS-master programme)
- Methods of gifted education at university level (e.g. mentoring projects)
- Organisation of conferences (e.g.: ECHA Conference 2010, Symposium person:orientiert 2013)
- Counselling of parents, teachers, pupils
- Identification of giftedness and talents
- Publications
- Cooperation: KPH Vienna/Krems, Archiepiscopal Office for Education Vienna, Austrian Ministry of Education and local education authorities (SSR Vienna), ECHA Austria and international, eVOCATIOn Germany, oezbf Salzburg, Wroclaw Banking School Poland, Pedagogical University Basel, Pedagogical University Karlsruhe and others