Towards a European Talent Support Network International Conference and European Talent Day

8-10 Mai 2014

The European Talent Support Network serves as a basis to develop a talent-friendly society and effective talent support systems in the continent. The first step towards this is to learn how to cooperate, to share information, to make new contacts. In other words: networking is a necessity.

In order to spread this idea, we have asked some of our partners and supporters to write down their thoughts about the necessity of networking. All of the experts emphasize the importance of learning from each other, exchanging ideas, and sharing knowledge and capacity.

Read our article Towards a European Talent Support Network I featured with

  • Claudia Resch (managing director of Österreichisches Zentrum für Begabtenförderung und Begabungsforschung (ÖZBF), Austrian Research and Support Center for the Gifted and Talented)
  • Petra Summer (president of ECHA-Austria)
  • Stanislav Zelenda (project manager, National Institute of Children and Youth of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Mojca Jurisevic (associate professor at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education)

Read our article Towards a European Talent Support Network II, containing details of the conference and featured with

  • Kinga Bereczki (program leader, Amoba Foundation, accredited talent point, Romania)
  • Roya Klingner (head and founder of the Global Center for Gifted and Talented Children in Munich, Germany)
  • Angelika Hanesz, László Pék (Council of Hungarian Gifted and Talented in Slovakia)

Read our article Towards a European Talent Support Network III featured with

  • Ibolya De Negri (Talent Support Council, Vojvodina, Serbia)
  • Dr Adam Boddison (IGGY Academic Principal, UK)
  • Joan Freeman (Founding President of the European Council for High Ability)

Talent is a special kind of natural resource that is available in every country.